Lemon Essential Oil #3578

Think for a minute about all of the associations we have with sunshine. It transforms our attitudes from sad to cheery. It's warmth for our bodies and our souls. It's lemonade, vacations, playing with friends, summer, and suntans. It gets out baby stains like none other when I hang clothes out to dry. It's cleansing to the world, inhibiting the growth of bacteria and mold. I know as a teenager I loved being in the sun because it cleared up my skin.

Lemons are grown in warm climates and even looking at their cheery yellow color makes us happier. They are fresh, bright, flavorful, and a wonderful addition to many of our drinks and dishes.

Lemon Oil has many identical benefits to the sun. It is used to uplift our moods, help us to focus on the good, clean our bathrooms, and get out stains. Many find it beneficial for their skin. Lemon oil is extracted from the rind of the fruit. While many add lemon juice to their drinking water, lemon oil has even more of a concentrated cleansing effect without the acidity that can harm our teeth. It's like sun going down and penetrating dark areas of the body shining its light on the "mold" and "fungus" growing there. It is one of the most inexpensive ways to get extensive benefits for both your health and your home. Let a little Sunshine into your world with this happy oil!


  • Apply topically for skin cleansing benefits (remember not to get sun exposure immediately after applying citrus oils to avoid any temporary discoloration)
  • Add to diffuser or palms and inhale deeply to uplift the mood and increase focus
  • Add to cleaning products for scent and cleansing benefits
  • Use to remove stains or sticky messes like gum from hair or residue from stickers

Vitality Application:

  • Add to water, salad dressing, drinks, and other dishes for flavor and added cleansing benefits
  • Take in capsules with Lavender Vitality and Peppermint Vitality to increase respiratory support during seasonal changes
  • Use in place of lemon zest in recipes